It has been awhile s (11/30/2015)
It has been awhile since I have rieeevcd an email from you. And today I was starting to get that desperate feeling of I have to do something. I read the email and somehow ended up at this post which I greatly appreciated. The weird part for me was your dream. I started reading faster so I could get to the end. You see, I used to have that almost exact dream. I'm in high school again, can't find my classes and when I do I'm late and don't have my homework. (not typical for me) I also can't get my locker open. I have never had the college dream. I haven't dreamt this in awhile. As a matter of fact, I haven't dreamt anything in awhile. I even pray for God to give me some sort of dream, but I wake up not remembering anything. I just figure I'm too exhausted to dream. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you. I'll just keep plugging away trying to remind myself that God works out all things for good for those who love Him!

Rajib - rP8WZWEvD
Thanks for sharing t (11/30/2015)
Thanks for sharing this info. I've been wantnig to try speed dating for the longest but have been hesitant. Now, I'll reconsider.Btw, have you heard anything about lock and key parties? It's another way to meet singles.

Matti - aTlQe8e5
Aloha Jim, We send y (11/30/2015)
Aloha Jim, We send you a memory stick with evnirthyeg you need. It is all part of the cost of the program. We also can send you links to anything and evnirthyeg so you can download it immediately! Hope you join. Our second call is this Tuesday!

Jocelyn - wMaGlmRi
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