Conchis makes a good (10/16/2015)
Conchis makes a good point it would seem that the JJ v QQ scenario is an <a href="">exlpmae</a> of a mistake only if there would be good reason for our hero to know the opponent had QQ. If the correct belief distribution has the opponent, say, having < JJ 80% of the time, then the decision to play was a correct one, regardless of what the opponent *happened* to have. To think otherwise would seem to be itself "results based thinking," no?Of course, it is much harder to determine how correct our play is with regard to what our opponents end up having vs. how correct our play is wrt to what cards end up on the board. In other words, if we just get lucky with the board cards, we *know* we just got lucky, as the probability of any given board is easy to calculate, whereas the odds that our opponent is holding a particular hand is harder to know objectively.

Cristina - gtH17otI
What movie was that (10/14/2015)
What movie was that from? I've GOT to watch it! Your post reminds me of sohnimteg I've been thinking about. Death and resurrection. Christians believe that everyone person that's ever lived will be resurrected and face judgement. I was watching a show on the Discover or the Science channel about death and burial customs in various cultures throughout history. Wow.If one considers all of the various ways that various cultures have disposed of their dead over the centuries, the idea of a mass resurrection becomes, well, hard to believe. Some cultures bury, some cremate, some mummify, some send off into the water (where presumably the body is eaten), some feed their dead to animals, some burn them to various deities, etc, etc. So, with all of these customs, especially the burnings and feeding to animals, what is going to be resurrected? Pooh? Really. Think about it. A resurrection is easy to believe if you live in a culture that just buries their dead, but once you look a little outside your culture, it becomes a little harder to accept.Scott [url=]khllsdsx[/url] [link=]efykcwn[/link]

Nelma - OylKfPpZR
The paragon of <a hr (10/14/2015)
The paragon of <a href="">unisdetanrdng</a> these issues is right here!

Daisy - kgAoJz9cKd
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